CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Commercial RDL Reports
    In This Topic

    The report layout for Commercial reports are setup using the ReportsCommercial page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    Commercial Reports are those used for quoting, pricing and ordering. Usually involving monetary items.

    The latest version of CabMaster uses RDL (Report Definition Language) for defining and running reports from File > Reports menu.

    Report Options


    Tax Name (RptTaxName) - Enter the Tax Name, example "GST" or "VAT"

    Tax Percentage (RptTaxPercentage) - Enter the fraction of the total cost that is added as tax, for example 10%.


    The drop list allows you to have payments divided into up to 4 periods and set the percentage of each (the Balance percentage is automatically calculated).

    The Details edit boxes allows you to describe these.


    To run this report select from the File menu, Report > Report > Quotes > Quote - Itemised.rdl



    Click on the applicable Edit button to open a text box which allows you to type in terms of your quote/contract and other important text. Special characters can be used to format text.



    Use the radio buttons to quickly preview text that is currently applied. The example below shows the Preview of the Terms and Conditions for the Invoice.

    Note that because the As Quote checkbox has been ticked, it is a copy of the text already entered for the Quote.




    CabMaster allows you to customise the text by using the special characters indicated. 

    Example of formatting

    This is the bottom part of the Quote.rdl report showing the use of special characters to format text.


    RDL Property Names Summary

    (Property names shown in italics)